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PS Publishing E-Bulletin
October 2008
Announcing Secret Histories, an exclusive Tim Powers bibliography by John Berlyne.. and more!
Well, here we are... All Hallows Eve. I'm actually writing this on a cold and blustery 18th and I know that a lot of you - just like me, in fact - will be away from your computers, scanning the night skies for broomsticks, trick-or-treating or dancing naked in the woods around a crackling fire (hell, these are tough times and we all of us need to have a little fun). Anyway, I thought it was time to sit down and pass along some news items.
Secret Histories - a Tim Powers bibliography by John Berlyne

First off the bat, we're delighted that at long last we're able to announce Powers: Secret Histories, John Berlyne's extensively researched and lavishly produced collection of Tim Powers material. Click through on the image above to see the cover art at a much larger size!
A book that essentially redefines the term 'bibliography,' Secret Histories has been nearly ten years in the making and brings together an astonishing range of Powers ephemera - a huge treat and a remarkable resource for both fans and collectors alike. As well as a complete, illustrated reference of every Tim Powers book published to date, Secret Histories offers an extraordinary insight into the stories behind the stories, collecting together in a single volume Powers material previously seen only in private collections. Here - in print for the very first time - you'll find poetry, drawings, research and plotting notes, novel outlines, early drafts, out-takes and an excerpt from the author's unpublished 1974 novel, To Serve in Hell.
Supporting these riches are story notes and commentary by Powers himself and you'll also find articles and essays from collaborators, friends and renowned Powers aficionados including Dean Koontz, Jim Blaylock, China Miéville, Karen Joy Fowler, John Bierer, John Berlyne and William Ashless. Powers: Secret Histories is an unprecedented bibliographic tribute celebrating the work of a truly extraordinary writer.
We'll be issuing three editions of this oversized hardcover, all printed in glorious full colour and all dust-jacketed:
- a limited numbered state, signed by Powers - 1,000 numbered copies @ £40.00;
- a slipcased state, signed by all contributors, and issued with an additional book -- an incomplete and previously unpublished novel written by Powers in the early seventies entitled The Waters Deep, Deep, Deep. Only available as part of this package, The Waters, Deep, Deep, Deep will be signed by Powers and will feature unique cover art and internal illustrations by him, as well as both an introduction and afterword - 200 copies @ £195.00;
- and, to reflect Powers's considerable caché as a collectable author, we're also offering a deluxe, lettered edition which will be as the above slipcased state but with an exceptionally significant additional item. Tim has given us exclusive permission to reproduce a full colour facsimile edition of his original handwritten manuscript of The Anubis Gates, complete with doodles, crossings out, dog-eared corners and even coffee stains! Only twenty-six copies of this facsimile, signed by Powers and individually lettered, will be available as part of this deluxe three book, specially slipcased edition.. an incredible item that offers a unique insight into the history of this much-loved, modern-day, time-travel classic. - 26 copies @ £495.00.
The books are all finished design-wise. We're currently getting the various tip sheets signed and the slipcase company is working on the elaborate creations we've devised to house the books. I now feel confident to announce that, as per our plans, we'll have copies available for EasterCon next March - where Tim is Guest of Honour. We should, however, point out that, judging from interest we've had from people over the last few years with regard to this long-awaited project, the top two editions are likely to be sold out on pre-order.
Postscripts - new sub rates and a Steven King incentive!
Following on from my recent announcement, we can now confirm that Postscripts magazine will cease after issue #17 (this winter)... but put away those hankies, true believers! Postscripts the quarterly anthology will commence in the spring of 2009 with issue #18, pretty much a special all-crime issue.
Just to refresh your memories:
- there'll be more words - instead of our hitherto usual 55-60,000 words, we'll be going for around 70-80,000 (our novella titles generally run 20-40,000);
- the two-column format will change to a full-width format;
- both editions will be hardcover (an unsigned state at £12/$25 and a signed state at £25/$50) - so no more paperbacks;
- and finally, there'll be no more postage charges for subscribers.
New Postscripts subscription rates
Subscription rates for the unsigned hardcover edition will be:
- four issues [one year]: £40 post-free (instead of £48 plus postage if you buy the issues individually - the paperback edition is currently £26 in the UK and £30 outside the UK)
- eight issues [two years]: £72 post-free (instead of £96 plus postage - not previously available)
- twelve issues [three years]: £96 post-free (instead of £144 plus postage - not previously available)
Subscription rates for the signed hardcover edition will be:
- four issues [one year]: £100 post-free (instead of £120 plus postage - no change)
- eight issues [two years]: £190 post-free (instead of £240 plus postage - not previously available)
- twelve issues [three years]: £270 post-free (instead of £360 plus postage - not previously available)
Subscribers will still receive a special chapbook each December, completely free of charge. These chapbooks will not be available to buy, even direct from PS.
Special five-year subscription incentive - ultra-limited edition of Stephen King's "One For The Road"
And for those folks who would like to take out a five-year subscription, we have an extra-special deal:
- twenty issues of the unsigned edition [five years]: £200 post-free (instead of £240 plus postage - not previously available)
- twenty issues of the signed edition [five years]: £450 post-free (instead of £500 plus postage - not previously available)
Now, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking that the discounts for the five-year subs just don't seem as good as those for the two- and three-years subs. Well, we've got a little extra incentive for the five-year deal. But be warned: we've got only 200 of the unsigned edition and 100 of the signed edition. Here's what it is.
We've negotiated the one-off rights to publish Stephen King's wonderful story "One For The Road" (a favourite of mine) as a strictly-limited, extensively illustrated, full colour hardcover edition.
Steve won't be signing any copies - he's still nursing his wrist from The Colorado Kid (heck, he had to type the last couple of novels one-handed! - what a week that turned out to be!) - but the top state will be signed by the artist and it'll be slipcased and, like the edition going out to subscribers to the unsigned Postscripts, strictly numbered. First come, first served... and when they're gone, they're gone. But hold on there, hoss... the order box is not yet up on the website - but it will be in the next week or so. This is just by way of a heads-up. And no, we don't have details of the artist at this stage - we're still discussing the possibilities with Steve. As soon as we know, you'll know.
Once again, please note that all current subscriptions will be honoured - so if your existing sub is for the current paperback edition and is good through to (and including) issue #19, then there'll be no extra money required until you decide to renew with issue #20. And all current subscribers are very welcome to take out the new five-year sub right now with the sub set to commence when their existing sub runs out.
And for those for whom either £240 or £450 is a bit too much for one hit, there'll be a separate renewal box for one quarter of that amount (ie. £60 or £112.50) - all you'll need to do is hit that box four times within one year and, after the fourth one, you'll receive your copy of One For The Road. (Of course, your actual subscription to Postscripts will begin as soon as you send us just one payment... and your copy of Steve's story will be set on one side for you.)
That all make sense? I sure hope so. But you'll let me know, I'm sure.
PS Publishing 10th Anniversary projects - Decade boxed set
Next year will be PS Publishing's tenth year in business - in short, a milestone. (Well, it is as far as we're concerned!) So we're aiming to celebrate it with a few special projects.
The first one we can announce is that we'll be doing a special four-book boxed set called Decade (hey, Neil Young did it so why can't we?!). The set will comprise new editions - revised by the authors and featuring new cover artwork plus, we hope, additional material relevant to the original pieces - of Graham Joyce's Leningrad Nights, James Lovegrove's How The Other Half Lives, Kim Newman's Andy Warhol's Dracula and Michael Marshall Smith's The Vaccinator. All of the books will be signed by the author concerned and there will be 250 numbered copies of the set priced at £100.
Okay, that’s enough for this time. We’ll bring you up to speed with new purchases next time out. Look after each other... and happy reading!