Thursday, April 24, 2008

word from Hippocampus

Email rec'd:

Dear Bookseller:


We have finally released our first two books of the year, with many more to come! But for now, please advise us of the quantities desired of these first two paperbacks. Now is also a good time to restock on our backlist titles.


Also, if you had a standing order with us in the past, please reconfirm it. We want to make sure you get the books you need.



Derrick Hussey

Hippocampus Press



COLD HARBOUR by Francis Brett Young and SINISTER HOUSE by Leland Hall

ISBN 978-0-9793806-5-5: 270 pages

Retail Price: $15.00

H. P. Lovecraft praised these two novels in his treatise, Supernatural Horror in Literature. Reprinted together as the latest entry in our Lovecraft’s Library series, they are sure to be as interesting to your customers as they were toLovecraft himself! In the 1924 novel Cold Harbour by Francis Brett Young, an ancient house of strange malignancy is powerfully delineated. Leland Hall’s Sinister House (1919) is a supernatural tale of a strangely appealing quality, where against the background of a typical American suburb is projected a genuine atmosphere of horror. Introductions to each novel by horror expert S. T. Joshi trace the Lovecraft connection. Both novels feature their first edition cover art; Sinister House has four original illustrations, as well. Two novels in one volume, for one low price!




Edited by Sean Donnelly and Kenneth W. Faig, Jr.

ISBN 978-0-9793806-7-9: 370 pages

Retail price $15.00

For Edith Miniter (1867-1934), daughter of a poet and a mathematician, the undercurrent of isolation and ancient whispers always persists. Her friend H.P. Lovecraft compared Mrs. Miniter’s fiction with that of Jane Austen. Despite her genius, Edith Miniter’s literary heritage has – until now – lain neglected. Collected here is her finest work in short fiction, including “Dead Houses,” from which this collection draws its name. One of Mrs. Miniter's ancestresses in the early nineteenth century was a suspected witch; and her “Wonted Fires” is as dark a piece of gothic fiction as the aficionado might desire. Also included are her amateur writings, which mine a rich vein of information about Lovecraft. Rounding out the monumental volume are essays about her life and work by Lovecraft and other of her contemporaries, as well as modern scholarship on Mrs. Miniter – revealing her as a fascinating emblem of a vanished period in literature.

---Reminds me I need to get my orders to Hippocampus straightened out -- on top of everything else I need to do -- all right now, too!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

word from Centipede

Email rec'd:
Centipede Press
news and forthcoming books
April 2008

Please see the PDF newsletter for additional information
regarding The Autopsy and Other Tales by Michael Shea,
Catacombs, The Cadaver of Gideon Wyck, Dracula, Artists
Inspired by H.P. Lovecraft, Masters of the Weird Tale:
H.P. Lovecraft, Don Brautigam, Michael Shea, John
Farris, Gene Wolfe, Tim Lucas, and others, including a
complete list of titles.

The PDF also has a lengthy article on book publishing by
Jenny Lee, Senior Lecturer, Publishing and Communications,
University of Melbourne, and is well worth a look.

* * *


Artists Inspired by H.P. Lovecraft
slipcase edition

H.P. Lovecraft
Masters of the Weird Tale
2 volumes in slipcase

* * *


John Farris
introduction by David J. Schow

The Autopsy and Other Tales
Michael Shea
introduction by Laird Barron

The Cadaver of Gideon Wyck
Alexander Laing
Introduction by William Hjortsberg

The Other
Thomas Tryon
Introduction by Ramsey Campbell

* * *

Thank you all for your continued support.

Jerad Walters
Centipede Press
---If you'd like me to forward the above-mentioned PDF, let me know.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

half link changed

When I changed my email contact for to gmail I couldn't keep the same user name (cdrummbks), because it was the same as my email address and that is now verboten. So, now I have my half name as cdrummbooks -- which means the links I had set up in various places no longer work. I've gone through and changed them now, so they should work. Here's the link.

Friday, April 4, 2008

word from weird tales

Email rec'd:
2008 marks the 85th anniversary of Weird Tales, and the magazine has debuted an exciting new look and a host of new editorial features, including a recent spotlight on The 85 Weirdest Storytellers of the Past 85 Years! It's the perfect time to subscribe for six issues for $20! But if you want to check out the magazine first, here's your chance: a trial pack of four recent back issues for just $13!

Originally founded in the 1920s with the mission of finding and publishing "the next Edgar Allan Poe," Weird Tales has featured such authors of unearthly fiction as H. P. Lovecraft, Ray Bradbury, Robert E. Howard, and Stephen King. Today, Weird Tales' gothic eeriness continues to evolve with a regular mix of young, up-and-coming talent — discover Sarah Monette, Barth Anderson, Carrie Vaughn! — as well as fan-favorite authors such as Michael Moorcock, Tanith Lee, and Caitlín R. Kiernan.

"There’s a little horror, a little comedy, some romance, a dash of drama, and a smidge of science fiction. . . . It will appeal most to someone who flops into a recliner, opens the magazine at random, and expects simply that it provide entertainment without preconditions.” —Tangent Online

Fine Print: This offer is only for addresses within the United States. Other countries, please use our discounted international subscription options: Click here for international rates Canadians, please note: you must use the international subscription option. We cannot send bulk mail to Canada, much as we would like to. 
Weird Tales ® is a registered trademark of Weird Tales Ltd; used here with permission.
---I should probably have another go at getting copies of Weird Tales to carry in my catalog...

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

word from small beer

Email rec'd:
Hi there,

On 4/15/08 we are publishing John Kessel's first collection in 10 years: The Baum Plan for Financial Independence

9781931520515 · Trade cloth · $24
9781931520508 · Trade paper · $16

It's an April Book Sense pick (am curious if that will have any impact) and is available from Consortium, Ingram, etc., and of course from us. John is going to be out doing some readings and there should be reviews appearing soon (PW, Booklist, and Locus already ran).

There are fewer hardcovers than paperbacks and the hardcovers have a gimmick easter egg reversible cover. 

That's it for now. New zine in June, new books after that one a month from Aug - November!


Small Beer Press