Stories of the Comic Apocalypse, Four Walls Eight Windows, 1st, 9/03,
(stories published between 1969 and 2002; adds new intro by author), new
Rifbjerg, Klaus WITNESS TO THE FUTURE, Fjord '87, 1st edn in English (pb variant), (time thriller by famous Danish novelist; an allegory of the chaos and emptiness of modern times that conveys admiration for a simpler past; translated from the Danish by Steve Murray), new 8.95
Tor 51878 Crockett, Linda SANDMAN, 10/90, (PBO; This Sandman brings nightmares...while his victims are awake!), mmpb, g-vg $1; vg+ $2; 2nd, vg-f 2.50
O'Rourke, Monica J. (ed) DECADENCE ONE, Prime ('02), POD edn, (Sixteen erotic horror tales written by masters of the genre: Nancy Kilpatrick, Charlee Jacob, Jack Fisher, E.C.McMullen Jr., Brian Knight, Rain Graves, Adam Pepper, Sephera Giron, Nicholas Kaufmann, Gene O'Neill, Teri A. Jacobs, Thomas Deja, d.g.k. goldberg, John Urbancik, and Edo van Belkom), tpb, new 12.95
Roberts, Adam SALT, Gollancz '00, 1st, (evocation of an alien world of remarkable power, intense beauty and profound insight; classic SF by a debut writer), tpb, vg-f 10.00
Rifbjerg, Klaus WITNESS TO THE FUTURE, Fjord '87, 1st edn in English (pb variant), (time thriller by famous Danish novelist; an allegory of the chaos and emptiness of modern times that conveys admiration for a simpler past; translated from the Danish by Steve Murray), new 8.95
Tor 51878 Crockett, Linda SANDMAN, 10/90, (PBO; This Sandman brings nightmares...while his victims are awake!), mmpb, g-vg $1; vg+ $2; 2nd, vg-f 2.50
O'Rourke, Monica J. (ed) DECADENCE ONE, Prime ('02), POD edn, (Sixteen erotic horror tales written by masters of the genre: Nancy Kilpatrick, Charlee Jacob, Jack Fisher, E.C.McMullen Jr., Brian Knight, Rain Graves, Adam Pepper, Sephera Giron, Nicholas Kaufmann, Gene O'Neill, Teri A. Jacobs, Thomas Deja, d.g.k. goldberg, John Urbancik, and Edo van Belkom), tpb, new 12.95
Roberts, Adam SALT, Gollancz '00, 1st, (evocation of an alien world of remarkable power, intense beauty and profound insight; classic SF by a debut writer), tpb, vg-f 10.00
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